Sunday, October 13, 2013

Pecuniary, Purpose and Prayer

"Your potential pecuniary success, the big bucks you may earn playing in the NHL, matter not one iota to me," Father O'brien once told Seamus. "You will excel at hockey here at St. Kevin, of that I've got little doubt, son. But what will your true purpose be? Who among us knows the answer until we've been tested. I will pray for your soul, Seamus, not your earning power."

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

St. Kevin Parochial School Hockey: Fundamentals, not Foofaraw

Seamus J. O'Sheehan's hockey coach at St. Kevin Parochial School despised behind–the–back and between–the–legs passes—too much foofaraw for youngsters. What they needed to survive in hockey and in whatever vocation they chose to pursue after hockey was dedication to mastering the fundamentals.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

St. John Journal Entry: The Hapless Hockey Confederates

Written by the Mickey Dupere, the fictitious St. John Journal' hockey scribe:

Losers of their last six contests, the hapless Charlottetown Confederates look for better luck (three post-ringers in the third period last night against the Bridgeport Barnums) when they play the St. Andrews Beaverbrooks this weekend. The Feds will need to shore up their team defense; it's like one PEI Islander commented to this reporter: "They're running around like a fart in a mitten."

Monday, September 9, 2013

Etiolated: Weak Imported Play and Vegetables

The Beaverbrooks, 0-5 losers to the Atlantic Puffins, left St. John's with a favorable impression of the local hockey team, as well as the music and pub scene, but the team was less impressed with its weak performance and the days-old etiolated imported vegetables. (Newfoundland can grow stout hockey players, but the province's acidic and stony soil aren't conducive to cultivating first-rate greens.)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Brown Study: Insight into Despair

During his spiritual and emotional demise, Seamus fell into a brown study, a self-absorbed funk that isolated him from his family, the fourth estate and his teammates.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

King of the Caterwaul: Alpie Pommeraie

Andrew de La Pommeraie, the short Providence Sterlings forward with the league's longest last name, eluded many a defender. Quick as a caffeinated cat, for sure. But in the rare instance an opponent mashed him against the boards or knocked him to the ice, "Alpie" (as his teammates called him), would caterwaul to the officials.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Riposte: Verbal Fencing in the Locker Room

The banter in the Beaverbrooks locker room, highlighted by Benoit's good-natured attack on Ambrose Bishop's lack of foot speed and the subsequent riposte—Bishop changing the subject made Seamus J. O'Sheehan forget his scoring slump.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Thimblerig: Sleight of St. John's

Seamus J. O'Sheehan and the Lady Beaverbrooks strolled along George Street, where live music streamed from the nearly two dozen pubs. While his younger teammates scanned the St. John's Christmastime festival for pretty maidens, Seamus found himself drawn to the sleight-of-hand artists, for the thimbleriggers seemed like the carnival equivalent of hockey players who juked and jived past would-be defenders.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Nobby: Kieran's Attire in Chic Montreal

Kieran was no snob, yet he enjoyed wearing a nobby hat and tie when visiting Quebec, on business, and to attend a Canadiens game at Le Forum de Montréal.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Froufrou: Nathalie's Frilly Fashion

Nathalie, as much as she was a put-on-no-airs lass, also enjoyed dressing in high heels, a floral-pattern dress, white blouse and a sequined bolero jacket. This ocassional froufrou suited her well, at least in Seamus's eyes.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Métier: Gráinne's Meat and Potatoes

Gráinne's métier was service, especially to those who could not help themselves, so Seamus and Kieran were not surprised when they found notes, like the one below, on the kitchen counter:
St. Kev's needed my help with a troubled lad. Supper is in the refrigerator. Bake at 350 for an hour. Enjoy your hockey game. I'll see you later this evening.
P.S. Save some potato bake for me. Rinse your plates—they won't wash themselves.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Redolent: Ready for Lunch in Charlottetown

The blue open-shelled mussels, redolent of paprika, ginger and onion, steamed as the Beaverbrooks anticipated lunch with their PEI host family.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Penny-Wise: Path to a Parochial Education

Kieran's penny-wise ways and Gráinne's insistence on a sound education, afforded the opportunity for Seamus, the O'Sheehan's only offspring, to attend St. Kevin Parochial School.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Preening: Not Just for the Birds

Seamus J. O'Sheehan accepted the M.V.P. award and struggled with the dueling demons of selfish preening and false modesty.

Remuneration: Often Misspelled

Players sometimes groused about the remuneration, or lack thereof, the Lady Beaverbrooks provided; even the best players worked second jobs.